Call to order: 7:00pm by Mayor Robert Applegren
Roll Call:
Mayor Robert Appelgren
Council Members Sarah Podritz, Jacob Toledo, Jake Friedrich joined meeting at 7:10pm
Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro
Public Comments:
Marie Jacobs noted that the water tower looked fabulous.
She asked about the potholes and she was told that this will hopefully be completed this month.
She also asked about the $13.9 million dollar bond in front of the legislature. Is the $13.9 million going to cover all of it? It should cover most of it with the exception of a few incidentals. As it currently sits there is almost 50% of the city who are not compliant with their septic systems. Dakota County is telling people not to fix it and to hold off until we find out about the bonding bill. She indicated that she hasn't seen anything about this as a group. We are waiting to hear about since there would be no reason hold meetings or discuss it if it does not go through. Once it passes then we would begin discussing it and holding public meetings.
Prior Meeting Minutes
Motion to approve the July 8, 2020 council meeting minutes as written was made by Podritz, seconded by Toledo. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.
Treasurer's Report
We received approximately $5,400 in water bill payments. The meter reading went well. Sandy indicated that there were a few checks that did not get entered into the system from the last quarter. She told the homeowners to pay the current amount and she would fix the amount in the system.
Motion to accept the treasurer's report as written was made by Toledo seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.
Approval to Pay Bills
Sandy did add one more payment to Ekstrom Consulting for $377.90 that was not on our list of payments.
Motion to approve the payment of bills for August including the Ekstrom Consulting invoice as written was made by Toledo\, and seconded by Haro. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.
Old Business
No old business.
New Business
Randolph School District – House Construction
Mike Kelley came before the council to present plans to build a new house in the Hereford Hills Third Addition. Mr. Kelley presented a permit for the lot currently next to the house that was just built. Building inspector, Mark Ceminsky, gave a list of items to Mr. Kelley that they will need to follow. Mr. Kelley also presented a second permit for a building permit for two walls on the west side of the school for parking off the street. Mark recommended that the parking be diagonal instead of straight parking. They will put a fence on the wall and put rock down. He also recommended one handicap parking spot. It was noted that the final grading permit for $300.00 has not yet been sent but Clerk Haro will send it to the school.
Motion to approve the building permit, for the 2020/2021 School House in Hereford Hills Third Addition made by Haro, seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Motion to approve the permit for the east side parking and west side wall permit made by Appelgren, seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0. Clerk Haro asked if they ever thought about using the lot next to Reed Kozer's residence for additional parking to help alleviate some of the parking on the street on Danel. It was noted it is zoned residential. It doesn’t hurt to look into it.
Chris Emerson Building Permit
Chris Emerson presented plans to build a garage on his property. Set backs will all be meet. Mark said he checked it out and everything looked good.
Motion to approve the building permit for Chris Emerson to build a garage was made by Friedrich, seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Ordinance Amending Minimum Lot Size in Urban Residential Zoning District
Mayor presented an ordinance prepared by our attorney that increases the minimum lot size to 20,000 or 25,000 sq. feet. The lots are currently set at the 15,000 minimum. We can discuss it but we cannot pass anything this month. Jake will put on the website. Almost all lots are 100 x 150.
CARES Act Money – Grant Agreement with Dakota County
Clerk Haro noted that we are entitled to receive $511.32 from Dakota County's share of the money they are receiving from the state for the Coronavirus. There are certain items that are covered by this money. We apply for money, receive it and if we don't spend the money then we return it to Dakota County/State by December.
Haro made a motion to pass Resolution No. 20-07 approving the 2020 Cares Act Municipality Agreement, seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0. We are also entitled through the State we can receive a share for the Coronavirus Relief Fund in the amount of $35,410.00. Clerk Haro is investigating what we can spend the money on and maybe even looking at something for the fire department. Spend the money by November 15th. If I find a list I will send it around. The money was allotted by number of residents in the city to help set off what the city is short on.
Dan Wenstrom – Hereford Hills
Dan discussed the soil boring that we discussed at last month’s meeting. He didn’t expect it to happen for another two or three weeks. He received a call from the company doing the work that they had a cancellation and he told them he didn’t get the keys yet and asked if he could get them. He couldn’t get the keys in time of the meeting. The company decided to cut the locks and put new ones on and Dan gave them permission. He put a new lock on the east side and the lock matches on the west side. He made four copies of the keys and gave one to Sarah and one to Jake Toledo. He dropped the rest of the keys in the utility box in front of City Hall. He apologized for not getting permission to cut the locks and to replace them. The paving company called and indicated that they had an opening so they came and did the final lift on the road. Dan then discussed his letter of credit since the paving was completed. There is about $4,000 worth of work to be done regarding the swail on the far west end to direct water down and into the pond. He asked to reduce his letter of credit from $106,000 to $5,000 for 125% of what is left to be done.
Meeting was closed at 7:33 to hold the Public Meeting for rezoning of the property at 4374 292nd Street.
Wade Murray on behalf of the Randolph Area Historical Society asked the council to rezone the property at 4374 292nd Street from residential to public institutional. The historical society is a 501(c) so they do not pay property taxes. Their current building is 4 1002\306399471.v1 currently that way. The current building would most likely need to be rezoned when they sell it. They currently just have a purchase agreement for the 4374 292nd Street so they would ask that it be rezoned only in the event they close on the property. It is contingent upon them selling the current property. The survey shows that the property is under 15,000 sq. feet; however we found paper work to indicate the alley in between the property at 4374 and the Red Diamond Bar was vacated so the property is split between the two property owners which will then put the property over the 15,000 sq. feet.
Motion made by Appelgren to grant the Randolph Historical Society changing the zoning of 4374 292nd Street from residential to public institutional contingent upon them purchasing the property, seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Motion to close the public hearing by Podritz, seconded by Toledo. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0
Reopened the regular council meeting at 7:42 p.m.
Dan Wenstrom noted that once the two new developments are sold there will be 31 potential new homes built. This will create new revenue for the city with property taxes and the water hookup fees. He asked that his letter of credit be reduced from $106,000 to $5,000. It was noted the last two remaining items are supposed to be completed within the next few weeks and the $5,000 should cover it. The work will still need to be signed off by Bolton & Menk. If we are not comfortable with the $5,000 we could ask for more money to be added to it. He wants his line of credit lowered so he an can continue to do financing on the next project. If we would like it to be $8,000 or $9,000 Dan is fine with that. Matt from Bolton & Menk indicated he would feel more comfortable with more than the $5,000. He suggested $10,000. Podritz made a motion to reduce Dan’s line of credit to $10,000, seconded by Toledo. All voting in favor Podritz and Toledo, opposed Appelgren and Haro, Friedrich abstained from the vote. The motion fails due to the tie. Clerk Haro noted that she indicated that she would like to see the whole project completed with Bolton & Menk signing off and Appelgren agreed.
Jake indicated that he did not received calls back from McNamara or Bill’s Blacktop. We have the two bids. Bituminous had the spray patch at $11,350 and the filling was $8,700. Minnesota Roadways was $9,800 and did not specify if it was spray patching or just filling.
Motion for spray patching by BRI in the amount of $11,350 made by Friedrich, seconded by Appelgren. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
We will start the budget planning at 6 pm on September 9th prior to the council meeting.
Sarah discussed the on street parking issues when there are ballgames specifically on Danel Street. Mr. Kelley indicated they may get rid of the blue shed and that would open up more parking.
Sandy asked about the hydrant flushing. We usually do this in October. Mayor Appelgren will discuss this with Bryce and see if this can get done yet this month. We will do one yet this summer.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Podritz, seconded by Friedrich, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.