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Writer's pictureJake Friedrich

May 2, 2023 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie


Roll Call:


  • Mayor Marie Jacob

  • Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd D Carlock

  • Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro

Also in attendance from LeVander, Gillen & Miller legal counsel, Korine Land and Greta

Bjorkman, and Bolton & Menk engineer, Matt Blazer.

Approval of Agenda:

We will scratch the County Road 88 Acquisition item under old business from the agenda

as it is part of our closed meeting. Motion to approve the agenda was made by Carlock,

seconded by Friedrich. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0

Public Comments:

It was asked about the potholes in the city. Friedrich mentioned we could hire someone

to fill the holes or he would be willing to buy some bags and do it himself.

Prior Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the April 12, 2023 regular council meeting minutes was made by

Friedrich, seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills:

Sandy noted there were several Bolton & Menk invoices to be paid. Clerk Haro noted

that we need to get reimbursed from the bond money for the Bolton & Menk invoices.

The city CD’s are being prepared. We are just waiting for some papers that we need to

get them processed.

Motion to approve the treasurers report and payment of bills as presented was made by

Friedrich, and seconded by Haro. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Old Business

Joint Powers Agreement with Randolph/Hampton Fire Department

Korine noted that an attorney from Kennedy & Graven (Troy Gilchrist) is willing to

work with us on the JPA. He represents several fire districts regarding their JPA. He

gave an estimate for the revisions of the JPA at $1,500.00 and anything extra would be at a rate of $160/hr such as attendance at any meeting. Motion by Friedrich to move

forward with having Kennedy & Graven work on the JPA, seconded by Carlock. All

voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

New Business

Dakota County Deputy

Officer Jake the K-9 handler was present and asked if there were any concerns. He had

nothing to report. It was asked if they will be present during the summer with school out.

He said they will be in the city as much as possible.

Vacant City Council Position

We had 3 individuals apply for the open city council position. We interviewed two

candidates and one decided not to move forward with his application. After the interview

process and questions from the city council, Jacob made a motion to appoint Tony Price

to the open city council seat, seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none opposed,

motion passed 4:0.

Tony will be sworn in at the June city council meeting.

Motion to close the regular city council meeting was made by Friedrich, seconded by Carlock.

All voting in favor, none opposed. Motion passed 4:0.

PUBLIC HEARING on Zoning Ordinance Amendment

Dave Fellon asked for his 29 acres of property off of Dickman to be rezoned from

Agricultural to Limited Industrial.

Our legal counsel, Korine explained with a Land Use Application especially a rezoning

request that two things have to come into play for this request. One is our comprehensive

land use zoning map and other our city codes. Since this land is labeled as limited

industrial in our comprehensive plan they have the right to ask for it to be rezoned to LI.

She explained that we have no legal basis to deny the application.

There were several complaints from citizens that this will add extra truck traffic and they

were against this.

We could deny the application but we would need to go back and amend the

comprehensive plan which would have to be approved the Met Council and they could

deny it as they need a very good reason from us in order to amend it.

Motion was made by Jacob to approve the Ordinance No. 23-01 Rezoning PID 32-00500-

51-020, Randolph, MN 55065 from AG – Agricultural to LI – Limited Industrial,

seconded by Carlock. Voting in favor Jacob, Carlock and Friedrich. Voting against Haro,

motion passed 3:1.

PUBLIC HEARING on Variance for Eric and Michelle Brochman

Eric and Michelle Brochman asked for a variance to build a second detached building

with a 7 foot setback from the alley and 25 feet from Dickman Avenue. Our building

inspector indicated that we need to determine what the alley way setback is and noted

there is also setbacks for septic systems that need to be followed. The neighbors septic is

in the backyard and any building has to be 10 feet off of the septic tanks and 20 feet off a

drain field. He would have to move his building 5 feet to the East to be compliant. Our

legal counsel indicated that we do not have to approve a variance as we have rules and

setbacks for a reason. If we do grant a variance then it has to meet the practical

difficulties test under the statutory requirement which three items are (i) property is put to

a reasonable use; (ii) that it is unique to the property and the property owner did not

create the problem; and (iii) it will not alter the character of the neighborhood. She

indicated what we need to look at and if it is unique to the property. The entire property

meets the square footage requirement for not exceeding 30% coverage but it’s the size of

the garage that is creating the cause for the variance. He could build a garage to

completely conform to our setbacks that would be away from the septic and away from

Dickman Avenue and needs to be 5 feet off of the alley which is a side lot line. It was

noted that we could give a variance for the 25 feet from Dickman rather than the setback

of 30 feet but we cannot change the variance from the septic which is state mandated

which is 10 feet from septic tanks. If he wants to keep the same size of the building he

would need to move the building closer to the alley way which could be 5 feet.

Motion to approve the variance but needs to be 10 feet of the septic and 30 feet off of

Dickman Avenue was made by Friedrich. After discussion it was noted that our building

inspector was recommending the denial of the 25 feet setback from Dickman. So it was

noted he does not need a variance if he stays 30 feet off of Dickman and 5 feet of the

alley which is a side yard. Motion was made by Friedrich to deny the variance because

he does not need the variance, seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none denied,

motion passed 4:0.

Motion to close the public hearing was made by Friedrich, seconded by Carlock All voting

in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Resolution re Revised Fee Acquisition for Sewer Project

Our legal counsel was seeking a resolution to resize the property that we had already

approved for the holding ponds. The original resolution was to acquire 80 acres of land

but now we will be purchasing 76 acres in order to accommodate their irrigator.

Motion by Friedrich to approve Resolution No. 23-07 Amending Resolution No. 22-07

Authorizing Fee Acquisition For City’s Sanitary Sewer Project, seconded by Jacob. All

voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

Bolton & Menk Sewer Update

Matt Blazer of Bolton & Menk discussed that the bids were opened; however, we will not

be awarding the bid tonight as they are still working with the PFA on some items that

need to be finalized. The lowest bid was Northland Grading & Excavating for

$14,425,409.45. That amount includes Dakota County’s portion for the road project in

the amount of $6,523,544. There will be a contingency of approximately $1.5 million.

He will be meeting with the contractor next week to discuss the schedule of the project.

They also want to have one more public meeting to discuss the project. He has been

discussing the project with the fire department regarding the annual Chicken BBQ and

will keep them informed.

Council Member Reports

Pot Holes

Friedrich talked with Bill’s Blacktop and he said depending on how much money we

want to spend he will fill that amount of potholes. We feel that is not the best solution

since we don’t know what we would get for the money. It’s also hard to spend money

when the roads are going to get tore up. Friedrich indicated he is willing to buy enough

bags to fill the holes himself. He would just need a packer and we can find one for him

to use. We feel this is the best option.

Community Service Projects

It was noted that the senior class spread mulch in the city park for their community

project. So a thank you goes out to them. Walco picked the bags up at the garage with

their fork lift and delivered them to the park to be spread. So a thank you to them also.


Mayor Jacob talked to Progressive Rail about the property that they are responsible to

mow. Progressive Rail indicated that they will spray the grass so that they won’t have to

mow it. We decided that we will continue to mow it.


It was noted that someone was building a chickencoop in town and asked if they had

acquired a permit. Clerk Haro will check if we received an application and if not, she

will send them a letter letting them know about the ordinance.

City Codes

We will have a hearing at next month’s meeting to adopt the recodified city codes.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Friedrich, seconded by Jacob, the meeting was

adjourned at 9:03 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 4:0.

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