Call to order: The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie Jacob.
Roll Call:
Mayor Marie Jacob
Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd D Carlock, and Tony Price
Clerk Mary Haro
Treasurer Sandra Nicolai was not present.
Also, in attendance was Bolton & Menk engineer, Matt Blazer.
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve the agenda with was made by Haro, seconded by Carlock. All voting
in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
New Business
Watermain – Water Service
Matt discussed that they received a call on Friday, May 24th at approximately 12:15 p.m.
regarding a watermain break. The contractor came to investigate and discovered that the
saddle for the service failed. Matt showed us a new saddle that was installed when they
repaired the broken one. The watermain remains in good shape – it is plastic but the
saddles that connect to the service are cast iron and are breaking. The new ones are
stainless steel. They had another one break on Tuesday on Dixie Avenue that had to be
replaced. The assumption is that they are the older style and we will be replacing the
road so do we want to replace them now. The cooper lines are in good shape. What they
have been seeing is that the dirt is holding the saddle and if they are not replaced they
could break any time. Some of the saddles were schedule to be replaced where the sewer
crosses the services. We are replacing about 60 with the project. Should we replace the
side that they are not crossing which is approximately 68 of them. When we did the
recodification, the homeowner is responsible for the service from the home to the main
waterline, in the past it was from the home to the curb stop. If we do not replace them
now with this project, if they break in the future, it will be the homeowners responsibility
to replace what is broke from their house to the main line.
Mat discussed the different options which are:
Option 1 – replace all water service saddle connections at the watermain (68 connections)
– cost of about $22 per quarterly water bill at $2,200 each for a total of $149,600
Option 2 – similar to option 1 but only replace the ones that are under the road – there are
some connections that the water main is in the front yards and not under the streets (42
connections) – cost of about $15 per quarterly water bill at $2,200 each for a total of $92,400
Option 3 – replace the entire service from the saddle to the curb stop (68 connections) –
cost of about $45 per quarterly water bill at $4,500 each for a total of $306,000. The life
of the shut off values is 40 – 50 years.
Option 4 – don't do anything – if they break during the project then they are replaced;
however, after the project is completed and if they break they have to be repaired by the
property owner – cost of $0 since nothing would be replaced. However if there is a break
during the project the cost would be approximately $4,000 to replace it.
Matt discussed this with Ehlers and it was noted that water service cannot be added to our
annual levy per state statute . We already have to take out a small bond for the individual
sewer services so we could add the water service to this. The fees could be added to the
quarterly water bills. The bond would be for 15 years at 4% interest. The costs would
be: (i)-option 1 would be approximately $22 per quarter; (ii) option 2 - $15 per quarter;
(iii) option 3 - $45 per quarter and (iv) option 4 - $0 since nothing would be replaced.
Some of the services may not need to be replaced as they may have the newer styles
already installed so that would bring the costs down. We did question the amount of the
cost to replace them as we felt it should be lower. Matt will be discussing this with the
Mayor Jacob noted that we have a $120,000 CD. Could we use the CD and raise our
water bills and replace the CD. We already have to take out a bond for the sanitary sewer
services so adding the $149,000 for the water service to the new bond we won't have the
cost of issuance since we are already taking out a bond.
After discussion, Friedrich made a motion to approve Option 1 for the water service
installation, seconded by Jacob. Voting in favor, Friedrich, Jacob, Price and Haro, voting
against – Carlock. Motion passed 4:1.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Friedrich, seconded by Carlock, the meeting was
adjourned at 7:50 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.