Call to order: The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Marie Jacob.
Roll Call:
Mayor Marie Jacob
Council Members Jacob Friedrich, Todd D Carlock, and Tony Price
Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro
Also, in attendance was Bolton & Menk engineer, Matt Blazer.
Approval of Agenda:
Motion to approve the agenda with was made by Friedrich, seconded by Price. All voting
in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Public Comments:
A citizen asked about fiber optic in the area. Mayor Jacob contacted MetroNet but did not
hear back from them. Councilmember Friedrich indicated he was told that there is fiber
optic that comes from Vermillion and is installed right next to the school in a pod and it
converts to different co-axels. He was told by Midco that co-axel is better than any fiber
optic in their opinion and you would need to have access to the co-axel.
Prior Meeting Minutes
A motion to approve the April 10, 2024 regular council meeting minutes was made by
Friedrich, seconded by Jacob. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
A motion to approve the April 20, 2024 special council meeting minutes was made by
Friedrich, seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Treasurer's Report and Payment of Bills:
Sandy updated the street, sidewalk, building and park funds.
Motion to approve the payment of bills with the addition of the check to League of
Minnesota Cities for insurance in the amount of $13,127 was made by Friedrich and
seconded by Price. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Old Business
New Business
LeVander, Gillen & Miller
We were contacted by our legal counsel regarding raising their billing rates as they have
not asked for an increase since 2008. They proposed an increase from $160/hour to
$170/hour for attorneys and from $100/hour to $120/hour for paralegals for the rest of
2024. Then for 2025 and 2026, an increase to $180/hour for attorneys and $130.00/hour
for paralegals.
A motion by Jacob to approve the billing rates for Levander, Gillen & Miller for the
remainder of 2024 from $160 to $170/hour for attorneys and $100 to $120/hour for
paralegals, seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Randolph Fire Department
Chief Kevin Whitson appeared on behalf of the Randolph/Hampton Fire Department to
ask the council for permission to close the road in front of the fire hall and a one day
gambling permit for the Chicken Barbeque set for August 17, 2024.
Friedrich made a motion to approve Resolution No. 24-06 authorizing the Road Closure
of 292nd Street between Divers Path and Distad Path from 12 p.m. on August 17 until 1
a.m. on August 18; for the Randolph/Hampton Fire District Annual Chicken Barbeque,
seconded by Carlock. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Friedrich made a motion to approve Resolution No. 24-07 authorizing a One Day
Gambling permit for the Randolph/Hampton Fire District Annual Chicken Barbeque,
seconded by Jacob. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.
Dakota County Deputy
Officer Dillon Wellhauser was present and asked if there were any concerns. It was
noted to him that people are cutting through the construction zone and driving through
citizens yards and moving the road closure signs. It was noted there was also some
tampering with the generators. It was asked they patrol the areas more.
Bolton & Menk Sewer Update
Matt and Jon were in attendance to discuss the project. They are keeping the fire
department informed so they have access to the trucks. They are currently working on
going under the railroad tracks and once they finish with this area, then things will start to
move quickly. They added additional signage for the R Bar and the Post Office and will
update the detour map as the project progresses along with the signage. There is another
invoice to be paid. They will start sending them to us at least a week ahead of our monthly
meetings. Clerk Haro inquired about getting reimbursed from the state for these invoices.
Matt indicated we are waiting on one last signature from MMB (Minnesota Management
& Budget) and that person is in session but will get it to us and then we can get some money reimbursed. Bolton & Menk will be submitting the invoices for us to be reimbursed from
the state and will send us copies so we know when to expect the payment.
The first stage they expect to have completed with road back together with curb and gravel
by mid June.
It was asked that at every meeting we are given a final cost of where we are at for the
schedule and cost.
Change orders so far include dewatering, the dust coat and the delay of the project (which
they are still working on).
They will get the signs back up on Dawson and Davisson. Things are moving forward.
Matt noted that the first water shut down went well. The valves were buried to prevent
from being hit by snowplows but there were never raised when they were installed so they
had to locate them and they were able to close all of them He indicted the water main is
plastic and it is in good shape. He reminds people that if they have issues to call.
Apparently when we were dewatering there was a water pressure issue and Bryce was
called and he indicated that he should have been notified by a phone call and he called
CenturyLink and an electrician. Century Link indicated they found 3 cuts in the line and
Matt was notified and he looked into it and it was indicated that Century Link did an
upgrade and didn’t hook something up. Byrce wants to upgrade the system.
Dakota County Commissioner Mike Slavik
We asked about the shredding events that Dakota County is holding. There will be a
separate date for the rural areas.
On the County Road 88 Phase II project they just got the final signature on the railroad
and it is going out for bid. It was be awarded in June and construction will start on the new
alignment post July 4th and be fully completed by October 31st.
Mike indicated that the county received some federal funding and County Road 86 and 56
will have a roundabout in 2026 and also one at Highway 3 and County Road 86. Highway
47 will be done next year as the asphalt is not up to standard. They want to build it so it
last for a long time. They will work from Hampton to south of 86 and then from 86 to
Highway 3 over a 2 year period.
They will start raising Lake Byllesby on May 15th and depending on the weather if we get
a lot of rain it should be completed by the end of May.
He talked about the Township Officers Association and they want to incorporate the small
cites to make it the Dakota County Township and Small Cities Association instead of just
the townships. Per state law they have to have a Township Officers Association and small
cities are not required to do this. They have a board of directors and figure out what's on the agenda and the big topics that they want to inform citizens. The transportation director
discusses the 5 year plan for every single project . Met Council attends also. He also
mentioned that they talked about some legislative stuff such as he indicated that it was very
close that they were trying to get into our planning and zoning. They were going to indicate
that any residents that want to tear down their property we can't control the destiny. Any
property in the metro area any owner with over 1⁄4 acre, they could tear down their house
and put a 6 unit apartment building up on the property. They joined with other suburban
counties and intervened and lobbied at the legislature. He doesn't think it is dead yet. This
has been on the townships radar but it was going to exempt Randolph. Originally it was
going to affect the 7 county metro area but then they put a threshold of 5,000 citizens. The
townships and smaller cities want to be prepared for this next year We only have one
senator and state representative that covers most of the rural area but we should be better
prepared for this. We want to keep our zoning local. We are better working together - the
7 small cities.
It was asked about the Waterford Township mineral extraction project. - Mike indicated
that they have no authority for this project. They are just observing this project.
Council Member Reports
Tony noted that he fixed a swing that was broken at the park; however, the other swings
are going to need some maintenance in the near future. He also noted the picnic tables are
in need of repair and there should be some maintenance on them. Tony will repair the
Jake will check with Charlie Wille regarding the back wall of the fire hall.
Since this is an election year, we should let our residents know what is open. Every position
is up except the City Clerk. The time to file will be July 30th – August 13 by 5 pm. Clerk
Haro will post times she is available for citizens to file an application closer to those dates.
Marie asked about the comp plan. Matt will email it to Mayor Jacob.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Friedrich, seconded by Haro, the meeting was
adjourned at 8:20 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.