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Writer's pictureJake Friedrich

September 8, 2021 Regular Council Meeting Minutes

Call to order:

The regular Randolph City Council meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Mayor Robert Appelgren.

Roll Call:


  • Mayor Robert Appelgren

  • Council Members Sarah Podritz, Jacob Friedrich, and Todd D Carlock

  • Treasurer Sandy Nicolai and Clerk Mary Haro

Public Comments:

None made.

Prior Meeting Minutes

A motion to approve the August 11, 2021 regular council meeting minutes was made by Friedrich, seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Treasurer's Report

Sandy indicated we took in approximately $4,400 from water bills.

A motion to approve the Treasurer's Report as written was made by Friedrich, seconded by Haro. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Approval to Pay Bills

Motion to approve the payment of bills as written was made by Friedrich, and seconded by Podritz. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

Old Business

Bids for Pump House

We are still waiting on prices so we will table this until next month.

Water Meters

The company indicated they wanted to know how many 2 inch meters we intended to return. We used 2 of them and have 4 to return. Ask what credit they will give us by September 22nd so we can discuss at the special meeting.

New Business

Budget for 2022

We tabled this until the special meeting to be held on September 22nd.

Dan Wenstrom – Hereford Hill 3

Dan asked that the City release his letter of credit Dan sent an email to the city indicating that he has a signed purchase agreement for the 4th Addition. He also noted that he understands that he needs to either donate land for a park or make a monetary contribution to the park fund. It was noted that if we release his letter of credit and he does not go forward with the 4th Addition the City has nothing to be able to get the monetary contribution from him.

It was suggested that since he is not able to attend in person that we should see if we can set up a zoom meeting for him to attend next month's meeting.

It was noted that until we have a development agreement we should not release the letter of credit. It would be best to figure out how much he would owe for the park and leave it in an account.

Clerk Haro will contact Korine to see if she can figure out the amount that should be allocated for the park land and hopefully have the amount by next month's meeting. Also contact Dan to see if he would be available to attend next month's meeting via zoom.

What he needs to provide and we should find out from Korine if a developers agreement or proof of purchase is a guarantee for the city.

Dakota County Deputy

Deputy James O'Meara was present and indicated they are had a report of 10 catalytic converter thefts in Eureka Township. Remember to lock your cars and your home.

We have had several complaints about some residences and asked if there was anything that we could do to stop the flow of traffic in and out of the residences. We need to look at our ordinances to see if there is anything that we can do. Friedrich indicated he will go through our ordinance to see if there is anything that they residences have violated. Deputy O'Meara indicated he will share this information that we discussed with the other deputies.

Sanitary Sewer Update

Matt from Bolton & Menk discussed that we should hold another special closed meeting to discuss our options. We have scheduled the meeting for September 29th at 7 pm assuming that Korine can also attend.


It was asked if we need to get paid for all of these special meetings. Clerk Haro will check with Korine if we are required to take pay for these special meetings.

We discussed an electrical box by the bridge on Dixie Avenue that does not look safe. It was indicated it is a mat box. Podritz will contact Mike Slavik regarding this.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Podritz, seconded by Friedrich, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. All voting in favor, none opposed, motion passed 5:0.

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